Sell Your Product

Before starting to create an order form, make sure you have already created your products. Click the link below to access the tutorial on creating a product. How to Create Products Once you have finished creating the product, watch the video below to start building your sales website (Order Form) in as fast as 10 minutes!

  1. Log in to your account through

  2. Click on "Lead Generation."

  1. Click on "Sell Your Product."

  1. Enter the name of your order form and click on "Create Page."

  1. Click on "Select."

  1. Choose the order form template you want to use and click on "Select."

  1. Select the type of product you will be selling, whether it's a physical or digital product.

  1. Choose and upload the image poster for your product.

  1. Edit the headline using a sentence that best describes your product.

  1. Select the product you want to sell within this order form. If you have more than one product, click on "Add Product" and choose the product you want to include in this order form.

  1. Choose the shipping fees.

  1. Click on "Advanced Settings" to edit other settings. If there are no changes needed, proceed to the next step.

  1. Click on "Update & Publish" to publish your order form.

  1. After publishing, you will be directed to the listing page. You can copy the order form link and promote it on your social media. Click on "Edit" to update the order form.

  1. Congratulations! You have successfully set up your first order form. The order form below is an example of a ready-to-receive orders.

Last updated