How To Add A Product and Variants

  1. Login to your account via

  2. Click Appointments.

  1. On the left sidebar, click Product and choose Product Listing.

  2. After that, on the right side click Add Product.

  1. Fill in the product name (Title) and Description.

  1. Scroll down and fill in the picture, price (discount price if available, if not, fill in the original price only), original price, and product stock. If you want to charge tax on this product, you may tick the box. If not, you may skip this section.

  1. For the shipping part, if your product is a physical product, tick the sign ✔ , and the product weight.

  1. Fill in the variant and stock if your product has different variants (For example: Chocolate flavor, Strawberry flavor, Size S, Size M, etc.) and click Save.

  1. Congratulations! You have successfully added your product.

Last updated