How To Setup Telegram Automatic Reporting

  1. Access your account by logging in at

  2. Click CRM Pipeline.

  1. Click on the project name

  1. Click Edit (top right)

  1. Under Telegram Reporting, fill in all the required details, change the Status to Active, set the time, and then click Save Changes.

  1. Complete the information in the box, To get a Telegram Group ID, Please refer to the next step below.

Telegram Setup

You need these 3 items in order to effectively use Telegram reporting.

  • Step 1: Telegram bot & Telegram API access token

  • Step 2: Telegram Group ID

Step 1: Add Telegram Bot.

  1. Go to Telegram and type @BotFather into the search bar.

  2. Start a conversation with @BotFather

  3. Send a message /newbot to @BotFather like the picture below.

  1. Then reply as in the example below.

  1. Congratulations, your Telegram BOT API has been successfully added.

Step 2: Get Group Chat ID

  1. Invite the Telegram BOT user you just added to the group you want the system to send reporting notifications to by creating a new Telegram group and inviting them.

  1. Copy and open the link from this telegram and make sure you change to your API. (Refer to the picture below to get your "API Access token"

LINK TELEGRAM:<API-access-token>/getUpdates

  1. Copy id in the chat then enter it in the box below.

The last part of the setup is for you to enter the Telegram API Key in the settings.

  1. Enter the Telegram API.

  1. See the tutorial image below to learn how to obtain this Telegram API.

  1. Done! You will receive this message through telegram at the scheduled time.

  1. Congratulations, your Telegram reporting setup was successful!

Last updated