Connector using Make

Register Make Account

  1. Open in a new tab.

  2. Click Get started free.

  1. Click the Google button.

  1. Choose your preferred email.

  1. Click the Continue button.

  1. Click Sign up for FREE.

  1. The page will appear as shown. Proceed to answer the questions.

  1. After completion, you will be redirected to the login page.

  2. Click Sign in with Google.

  1. Choose your preferred email.

Setup First Module: Custom Webhook

  1. Click + Create a new scenario (top right) and click the Get started button.

  1. Choose Webhooks.

  1. Choose Custom webhook.

  1. Click Create a webhook.

  1. Enter a name for the webhook and then click the Save button.

  1. Click Copy address to clipboard and then click the OK button.

  1. Paste the link address into the form settings under Webhook.

  1. Go to Make and click Run once.

  1. Open the form, fill it out, and submit it to trigger the hook.

  1. When you open Make, it will show this: Make already captures the details submitted in the form.

Setup Second Module: POST

  1. Click the '+' symbol to add another module.

  1. Choose HTTP.

  1. Choose Make a request.

  1. Paste the link copied from Kuasa into the URL field.

  1. Under Method, choose POST.

  1. Under Body type, choose Raw.

  1. Under Content type, choose JSON (application/json).

  1. Under Request content, paste: {"firstName":"","lastName":"","email_contact":"","contact":""}

  1. Click the star symbol and then type firstname.

  1. Drag the value tag and place it between the "".


  1. It will look like this.

{"firstName":"1. fields: firstName: value",

  1. Repeat steps 29 - 31 for the remaining details:

  • Type lastname > drag the value.

  • Type email > drag the value.

  • Type contact > drag the value under the contact section.

  1. It should look like this.

  1. Under Parse response, tick Yes. Then click the OK button.

  1. Right-click on the second module and choose Run this module only.

  1. Scroll down, fill in all the details, and click OK.

  1. You can check the details entered in the Kuasa system.

  2. Toggle the button from OFF to ON (bottom left).

Well Done! You already set up the webhook using Make. Try submitting the form again to verify that the details are entered into Kuasa.

Last updated